Seller Leaseback

Here in Hillsborough County, Florida, New Leaf Home Solutions believes that a seller leaseback is a great investment for buyers and a wonderful deal for sellers. To learn more about this real estate transaction, keep reading below, and contact us today.

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What Is A Seller Leaseback?

A seller leaseback is a real estate transaction where the seller of the property sells their home to a buyer, and then leases it back from the buyer for a given amount of time. In short, the seller essentially becomes a renter for the duration of the contract.

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Benefits of Seller Leasebacks

A seller leaseback is a benefit to both the buyer and the seller. The buyer gets the property they want when they want it, and they already have a tenant renting it, so they are able to generate rental income. The seller benefits by pocketing the profit of the real estate deal, as well as having a place to live for the duration of the lease.


Is a Seller Leaseback for You?

A seller leaseback is a wonderful way for homeowners who perhaps want to move but aren't ready to move yet to have the burden of a property sale over and still have a place to live for a bit. Since a seller leaseback is an unconventional real estate transaction, it's best to partner with a real estate company such as New Leaf Home Solutions in Hillsborough County who has experience in these transactions.

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Learn More About Seller Leasebacks Today

In order for both parties to benefit from a seller leaseback, the real estate contract should be written in the proper legal manner to ensure both parties' interests are taken care of. Let our expert real estate company help. Call to get answers to your questions and see if this situation could benefit you.

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"Cameron is incredible to work with! He understood my needs perfectly"

- Kim L.

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"I was very impressed by their sincere desire to help me and let me know they were in the trenches with me"

-Derick G.

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" I thought selling my home was going to be challenging given my unique situation but New Leaf made it so much easier than I expected"

-Jamal H.